There's many things I've come to love in starting this business but one thing I love love love is all the cool people I've met that just love the idea that I make cookies and love trying to connect me with other people who might be of help...and you ll know I need help :) Like Lucinda who I met at the Trader Joes on Monday who got the hunch from the 15 packs of mint chocolate creams I had to purchase that I may have a slight sweet tooth but certainly not one that was that bad. Anyway, we got to talking and she ended up hooking me up with her sister that owns a restaraunt in DC. Considering that I haven't been home since September of 2007, I thought it was too much a coincidence that I met Lucinda on the Monday before I was getting ready to hop on a plane to head home for a week! Too much of a coincidence to not agree to meet up with her sister Melissa, who owns Mia's Pizzas in Bethesda, MD. Unbiased by the yumminess of her pizzas our meeting was awesome. We chatted for about two hours, learning about each other's stories and getting some great guidance for The Cookie Chew. One thing she suggested was for me to maybe change the logo - to represent me a little more - maybe simplify it a little and square it off. She stressed that people need to not only buy the cookies becuase they taste great but that they need to feel an obligation to me. I get what she's saying in that I should personalize every buying experience. Besides it's all about the little things right that really make you stand out from the rest and you never know where that tipping point will occur.
If you're ever in DC - for sure check out Mia's Pizza on 4926 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda. For sure try the margherita pizza and the mozzarella, tomato, and basil salad - classic dishes very well made.

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